Kujira Proposal 181

No with Veto
"@type": "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal"
title: 'Senate candidate: RYAN LION'
description: "\nRYAN LION is running for a position on the new Kujira Senate. Use
  this proposal as an opportunity to signal whether you'd like to see them as a member
  of The Senate, or not.\n\nThe final Senate will be made up of no more than 9 members,
  however you should vote for as many or as few\ncandidates as you'd like to see represent
  the comminity. The top 9 by total yes votes will instantiate the first version of
  The Senate.\n\n## Bio\n\nLong-term Terra & Kujira community member. Well known for
  trying to break down complex DeFi ideas for the retail masses, alongside a healthy
  dose of memes.\n\n## Related Experience\n\nFormerly Operations Lead at Prism Protocol.
  Member of GT Captial — spent many hours during the bull market reviewing pitch decks
  from projects for prospective investments & having detailed discussions around tokenomics
  and value accrual. Regular Q&A host with projects during their launch phase. In
  my professional life, I regularly work with vendors on contract & commercial negotiation
  & managing high-value commercial tendering processes — skill sets that I think would
  transition well to this role.\n\n## Personal Statement\n\nI've been a long-term
  supporter of Kujira, taking part in both seed and early-bird funding rounds, as
  well as consistently marketing the success of their various product launches. I
  believe in the success of Grown Up DeFi and want to help the chain succeed. I've
  also lived the dream of going full-time crypto only to have that taken away from
  me through the Terra crash and I'm keen to be back involved with a project in some
  capacity.\n        "
page last updated 2024-04-19 11:14:35 UTC