Kujira Validator Profile

Validator: StakeWithUs
Operator Adr: kujiravaloper1c9ye54e3pzwm3e0zpdlel6pnavrj9qqvs3z4j4

Secured Staking Made Easy. Put Your Crypto to Work - Hassle Free. Disclaimer: Delegators should understand that delegation comes with slashing risk. By delegating to StakeWithUs Pte Ltd, you acknowledge that StakeWithUs Pte Ltd is not liable for any losses on your investment.

update_time: '2023-05-31T06:07:13.822676737Z'
  rate: '0.050000000000000000'
  max_rate: '0.200000000000000000'
  max_change_rate: '0.010000000000000000'